Useful Health Tips – Anti-Obesity Surgery

In this article, Useful Health Tips will look Anti-obesity surgery1. What is obesity?2. What are the diseases associated with obesity?3. What is anti-obesity surgery?4. Who should have anti-obesity surgery?5. Is it effective?6. What are the surgical options?7. What are the risks and side effects?8. What can be done to avoid?Now Useful Health Tips will discuss each item.1. What is obesity?Obese individuals have Body Mass Index exceeding 30.2. What are the diseases associated with obesity?Obesity is associated with many serious diseases, including:” Type 2 diabetes” Cardiovascular diseases” Certain kind of cancer” Sleep Apnea” Thyroid problem” Osteoarthritis3. What is anti-obesity surgery?Anti-obesity is a surgical procedure used to alter the passage of food into the stomachs and through the small intestines – the stomach size is reduced and a segment of the small intestines is bypassed.As a result, the patient will not be able to eat the same volume as before. Patients eating too quickly or too much will result in vomiting due to shortened digestive canal. Shortening the length of the intestine also reduces nutrients from being absorbed into the body.4. Who should have anti-obesity surgery?Anti-obesity surgery is a very radical method of weight loss. It must be the method of last resort because it involves the permanent alteration to the body’s own digestive system. Prior to the surgery being undertaken, patients must be carefully screened; they must agree to modify their dietary habits permanently for the rest of their lives.For some seriously or morbidly obese people, anti-obesity surgery offers them their best, or perhaps the only chance of lasting weight loss.5. Is it effective?In a Swedish study in 1987 called Swedish Obesity Subjects study (SOS study), 4,000 people divided into 2,000 pairs were studied. The objective was to match 2,000 people who had surgery with 2,000 who did not. Each pair was monitored for 10 years. Surgical patients achieved better results in reductions in weight, diabetes and hypertension. But there were comments the study may not be 100% conclusive; different patients had different motivations. Moreover, there were many incidences of re-surgery.6. What are the surgical options?” ‘Malabsorptive’ procedure that involves passing segments of small intestines” Gastric bypass” Vertical banded gastroplasty” ‘Roux-en-Y’ gastric bypass” Laparoscopically adjustable gastric band7. What are the risks and side effects?” Death. Statistically, the patient’s age, BMI, presence of associated diseases or not will have a bearing on the mortality rate. It can be anything up to 4%” Formation of gallstone.” The possibility of the requirement of re-surgery” Vitamin B12 deficiency” Incisional hernia” Depression” Staple-line failure” Gastritis” Inflamed gallbladder” Dehydration” Malnutrition” Dilated pouch8. What can be done to avoid?There is a lot that can be done before the stage is reached where anti-obesity surgery becomes a method last resort. Some useful health tips to be considered:” Diet: read a good book to get useful health tips on how to have a healthy and balanced diet” Exercise: get useful health tips on how to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and do regular exercises” Join a weight loss program: Just remember not all programs are what they claim. Programs should not be overly expensive, should not require you to starve or work yourself to death with some crazy equipment, and should not require you to consume some secret pills or potions. Above all, it should come with a money back guarantee.P.S. Anti-obesity surgery is a very radical method of weight loss. You must always consult your doctor to understand its full implication.